Thursday, August 19, 2010

MySQL monitoring graph is not updating or blank in Munin

Munin is a network resource monitoring tool that can help to analyze and report back all kinds of server statistics. Munin is used to monitor the the performance of computers/servers, networks, SANs, applications, databases, weather measurements and other parameters.

To download and install Munin: click here

After successful installation, Munin will start colleting required data and will show you the graphs, including MySQL nodes such as MySQL throughputs, MySQL queries, MySQL Slow Queries, and MySQL threads. However, if you restart the server, Munin will fail to monitor MySQL nodes and it will stop showing graphs for MySQL.

Fix for Munin installed by cPanel/WHM

1. Find the path where mysqladmin is installed using one of the following commands:

which mysqladmin

type mysqladmin

locate mysqladmin

The above command will return a path to mysqladmin (i.e. /usr/bin/mysqladmin)

2. Edit Munin configuration file /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/cpanel.conf and modify the [mysql*] as below:


user root

group wheel

env.mysqladmin /usr/bin/mysqladmin

env.mysqlopts –defaults-extra-file=/root/.my.cnf

Ensure the env.mysqladmin value is path returned by step 1. Also ensure that /root/.my.cnf contains correct MySQL root password.

3. Restart Munin service:

/etc/init.d/munin-node restart

4. Wait a while for MySQL statistics to be gathered, and check the graphs again.

Fix for the host or server without cPanel Control Panel:

Simply add the “env.mysqladmin /usr/bin/mysqladmin” (ensure that the path is correct according to your system) to the /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node file will do the trick.

Tags:-cPanel,Whm,Munin,network statistics,Munin Mysql monitoring is not showing